Geldeston Village Hall


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Geldeston Village Hall Events Page

Here you will discover just what an amazing, diverse array of activities we have going on in our hall.

We are the focal point for all the local events including our renowned village fete, pantomimes, wreath making, christmas carols, music nights, a popular village scarecrow trail and there is also the grand auction and so much more.
Regular activities include an Indoor Bowls club, Pilates, weekly coffee mornings, yoga and a Ukulele club.

What's Coming Up

Below are all the great and exciting events coming your way
with even more in the pipeline so keep checking back for regular updates.

Vindication Swim

Vindication Swim (PG)

Wednesday 11th December 7.00 pm
Doors open 30 minutes prior to the start times.

Tickets: £5.00

Refreshments available.

The inspirational story of Mercedes Gleitze, the first British woman to swim the English Channel, and her battle against both the cold waters of the Channel and the oppressive society of 1920s England. When a rival claims to have performed the same feat and is shown to be lying, Mercedes’s own achievement is called into question, forcing her into a repeat performance, the “vindication swim” of the title.

Why watch this film? It’s an inspiring story, beautifully shot and great cast.

- Click here for the official trailer for "Vindication Swim"

Quiz Nights At The Wherry

Next Quiz Night TBA

7.30pm Start

Teams can be up to 6 people

Entry just £1.50

If you wish to eat at the Wherry you will need to book a table.

With part of the entrance fee helping the hall,
a fun night out and knowing you will be supporting us
what's stopping you.

Quiz Nights
The Famous Auction

Our Famous Auction

The next Auction will hopefully be Winter 2024

We had a fantastic response to our last famous auction.

133 ITEMS and all but 3 went. Such a great community weekend and the Wherry was full.

We are always amazed at the amount we raise, but especially in these hard times we are all facing at the moment. But you have done it again helping us raise an astounding £1,500

Other Regular Events We Hold

The Wherry

Wherry Quiz Nights

Regular quiz nights are being held at the Wherry public house.
With 50 percent of each entrance fee going to the village hall funds it's a fun night out and knowing you will be supporting us what's stopping you.

More Info

Village Scarecrow Trail

Village Scarecrow Trail

This event will be held every two years and we held our most recent one in August 2021 with scarecrows everywhere. Sponge Bob Square Pants was the overall winner of favourite scarecrow.

See Gallery

Now Famous Auction

Now Famous Auction

The latest auction in 2022 raised a whopping £1,500! All items are donated to the hall and the proceeds are put towards running subsidise / free events for the community. Next one is being planned for 2024.

Thank You

Geldeston Village Hall

Please Support Us

As a charity we are always fundraising
to not only maintain the hall but to ensure
assorted events are run for the community.

Charity Number 209939

Our Contacts



Our Contacts

The Street Geldeston
Norfolk NR34 0LB
Google Map